Neurophotonics at the nanoscale

Dr Juan Varela's Research Group


For complete list of publications see:


Selected publications of work done at the University of St Andrews:

Zepernick AL, Metodieva V, Pelegrina-Hidalgo N, Lippert AH, Horrocks MH, Varela JA. Single-molecule imaging of Aquaporin-4 array dynamics in astrocytes. Nanoscale, 10.1039/D4NR00330F (2024).

Selected publications of work done at the University of Cambridge:

Qamar S*, Wang G*, Randle S*, Ruggeri F*, Varela JA*, Lin J*, Phillips E*, Miyashita A, Williams G, Strohl F, Meadows W, Ferry R, Dardov V, Tartaglia G, Farrer L, Kaminski Schierle G, Kaminski C, Holt C, Fraser P, Schmitt-Ulms G, Klenerman D, Knowles T, Vendruscolo M, St George-Hyslop P. “FUS Phase Separation Is Modulated by a Molecular Chaperone and Methylation of Arginine Cation-π Interactions”. Cell, 720–734 (2018). (* equal contribution)

     Highlighted in: Beyond the Transport Function of Import Receptors: What’s All the FUS about? Mikhaleva and Lemke, Cell, 549-553 (2018).

Varela JA, Rodrigues M, De S, Flagemeier P, Gandhi S, Dobson CM, Klenerman D, Lee SF. “Optical structural analysis of individual α-synuclein oligomers”. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 4886–4890 (2018).

Selected publications of work done at the CNRS and University of Bordeaux:

Godin A*, Varela JA*, Gao Z*, Danne N, Dupuis J, Lounis B, Groc L, Cognet L. Single-nanotube tracking reveals the nanoscale organization of the extracellular space in the live brain. Nature Nanotechnology, 12, 238–243 (2017). (* equal contribution)

     Editor’s Choice. Science 23 Dec 2016: Vol. 354, Issue 6319, pp. 1547

Varela JA, Dupuis J, Etchepare L, Espana A, Cognet L and Groc L. “Targeting neurotransmitter receptors with nanoparticles in vivo allows single molecule tracking in brain tissue. Nature Communications, 7:10947 (2016).

Varela JA*, Ferreira J*, Dupuis JP*, Durand P, Bouchet D, and Groc L. “Single nanoparticle tracking of NMDA receptors in cultured and intact brain tissue”. Neurophotonics, 3:41808 (2016). (* equal contribution)

Murphy-Royal C, Dupuis JP, Varela JA*, Panatier A*, Pinson B, Baufreton J, Groc L, and Oliet SHR. “Surface diffusion of astrocytic glutamate transporters shapes synaptic transmission”. Nature Neuroscience, 18, 219–226 (2015). (* equal contribution)

     Journal Cover. Highlighted in: Mobile binding sites regulate glutamate clearance. Edwards RH, Nature Neuroscience, 18:166–168 (2015).

Genin E, Gao Z*, Varela JA*, Daniel J*, Bsaibess T, Gosse I, Groc L, Cognet L and Blanchard-Desce M. “« Hyper-bright» Near-Infrared Emitting Fluorescent Organic Nanoparticles for Single Particle Tracking”. Advanced Materials, 26(14), 2258–61, 2257 (2014). (* equal contribution)


Selected publications of work done at the University College Dublin:

Varela JA, Aberg C, Simpson JC, and Dawson KA. “Trajectory-Based Co-Localization Measures for Nanoparticle-Cell Interaction Studies”. Small, 11:2026–2031 (2015).

Aberg C*, Varela JA*, Fitzpatrick LW, and Dawson KA. “Spatial and Structural Metrics for Living Cells Inspired by Statistical Mechanics”. Scientific Reports, 6:34457 (2016). (* equal contribution)

Varela JA, Bexiga MG, Aberg C, Simpson JC and Dawson KA. “Quantifying size-dependent interactions between fluorescently-labeled polystyrene nanoparticles and mammalian cells”. Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 10:39 (2012).